Wednesday, March 20, 2013

11 years in on!

It's been an amazing 11 years in Peru, amazing enough that a simple blog post can't do it justice.  When we made the decision to, quite literally, pick up our was not taken lightly.  I want to revel in the lessons I've learned, the friendships I've made, and the Grace I've been given.  On those days when the traffic of 9 million people overwhelms me, I want to smile and find the good in this culture.  And on those days when the smells of 9 million people seem to be floating around the one bus I'm in, I want to grab on to the unconditional love that I've been given, and freely give that back.

There are a gazillion cultural nuances that drive me crazy, many within my own culture that I strive to throw off;  how can I be the hands and feet of those people that are making sacrifices so I can be here if I can't even get past myself?

I've claimed 2013 to be all about me...and not in the selfish, self-serving way that it sounds...but in intentionally getting myself healthy physically, emotionally, and spiritually so I can be all to those around me.  I have amazing blessings that I need to cling to...and after 11 years I think I can finally count my blessings in this place where I've been placed.

It's been a long journey and I can't see it letting up any time soon. :)

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