Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Long lost post from July!!

I can't believe I forgot to post about Sophia's broken arm!!!  It was such a big event for us!!  So one Sunday morning in July, Sophia apparently fell off of a little baby armchair onto her left arm.  I went to pick her up from Sunday school and she was crying, though not that much, so they mentioned that she had just started crying but the lady who handed her to me wasn't sure why she was crying.  It was a weird cry, one of those cries that you just know something is not quite right.  So we got her home and I went to change her out of her dress and noticed that she wasn't using her left arm!  I called Jeff into the room, showed him that she was unable to move her arm, and off we headed for the ER.  We stopped by the church to try to find out what had happened, as we knew it was something that happened there and that was why she had been crying.  Everyone had gone home, except for the Childhood Resource people, so they called up some of the workers and that's when someone mentioned that they thought she had fallen out of that little chair.

In the ER they did xrays and thought that maybe it was just dislocated (nursemaids elbow) and so the ER NP attempted to put it back in...Sophia was crying and the NP did it 3 times and it obviously wasn't working. After about 15 minutes of being out, she came back in and tried to get Sophia to use her arm, she coaxed her with a popsicle, but instead of trying to reach for it with her arm, she reached for it with her foot!! At that point the NP said she suspected it was something more than a dislocation and splinted up her arm and told us to see an Orthopedic specialist on Monday. 

Monday I called Gillette Children's Hospital and they got us in right away with a specialist.  He looked again at the xrays and couldn't find a break, but he also said he was sure it wasn't dislocated because of the pain and the fact that she STILL wasn't using her arm at all.  He said he suspected a hairline fracture in the cartilage of her elbow and ordered her to have it casted. 

Sophia picked out a lovely PINK casting material and ended up having to wear her sweet little cast for 3 weeks...it ruined her time of swimming, going to the lake during Family Camp, and not to mention what an ordeal it was to give her baths!!  She survived though, and about 5 days after getting it casted started using her fingers and then her arm.  It healed well and we are so thankful, once again, that we are near good medical care!

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