Wednesday, May 20, 2009

2 months old

It's a beautiful thing to see Sophia's smile. She started smiling around 7 weeks and now freely gives out smiles to her brothers, her daddy and of course I see them all the time. She has brought so much joy to our family, not just because she's our sweet princess, but because having a baby does that. The sweetest thing that I will remember forever, was the first night (she was about 2 weeks old) that we really heard her cry. Brandon was upstairs in bed and he came downstairs crying, and so, so sad that Sophia was crying so hard!! It was such a tender moment to see him so sensitive to his sister's needs.

I love dressing miss Sophia up in her little pink clothes, I've found that dark pink suits her more than light pink, and I'm already starting to plan some shopping trips. lol Not really, but I do love playing dress up with her. She loves having her diaper changed, she can be crying up a storm, but the minute we "free" her up, she is happy as a clam. Once those clothes are back on and she's in a clean diaper, she resumes her crying.

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