Saturday, July 25, 2009

In the trenches...

So we've lived in this house since 2002, each year during the rainy season the heavy rains flood the dirt roads and make my kitchen look like it's been carpeted....with mud. About 2 years ago the city finally built some sidewalks and so at least now we don't have to walk in the mud to get to the bus or wherever we happen to be going. But you can see from the picture above that our street at the present moment is completely impassable! Finally, after all these years, the city is going to pave our street!

The key to paving is in the people who live on the street that is going to be paved. First of all, a lady came around collecting money, we had to "donate" a certain percentage depending on the size of our lot. Those with corner lots obviously have to pay more, but we have a pretty big lot, so we had to pay a whopping $45 to the pot. The next step is that every person who lives on the street has to dig a trench in front of their house (or in our case across the street) where they are going to put the tubes underground. Our trench is approx. 30 feet long and 4 feet deep. We're supposed to have it done by today, but well...I think the boys actually put more dirt back in the holes by walking on the dirt piles! Needless to say we won't get our trench dug today...maybe tomorrow....or maybe we'll hire some youth to come with their pick-axes and help out!

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